Анализ рынка. Маркетинговые исследования, обзоры рынка. Аналитика. Консалтинг.
Маркетинговые исследования - Рынки средств связи и передачи информации - Рынок GSM, сетей, связи, рынок связи мобильной, связи сотовой - Россия
Готовые маркетинговые исследования рынков, социологические исследования, базы данных, аналитика и обзоры рынка, инвестиционные меморандумы, маркетинговые обзоры, другие аналитические отчеты. Исследования включают: маркетинговый анализ объемов рынка, емкость, доли и сегменты рынка, SWOT (свот) - анализ и конкуренцию. Наиболее полная и постоянно обновляемая готовая аналитика лучших маркетинговых агентств.
Приглашаем к сотрудничеству бизнес аналитиков, исследовательские и маркетинговые группы специалистов, консалтинговые компании и агентства для таких работ, как анализ рынка, консалтинг, обзор рынка, проведение исследований, маркетинг и продажа готовой аналитики.
Current development of the most significant segment of the Russian cellular mobile communication market – the GSM standard – is connected with the wide construction of 2.5G generation networks on the basis of GPRS and EDGE data transfer technologies and with the penetration of various additional services (voice and non-voice) for GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks subscribers.
As the cellular mobile communication services’ penetration level increases the mobile content market starts to play the greater role for the operating GSM networks operators, which occupy about 98% of the cellular communication market. Various content services permit to operators to increase the average revenue per user (ARPU) and to enhance the loyalty of subscribers along with other additional services classes.
Actuality of the analysis of the mobile content market in GSM networks can be explained not only by necessity of search of alternative ways to increase the earning power of GSM operators, but also by the development of efficient models of promotion of modern technological solutions of data transfer in 2.5G networks in interests of cellular subscribers in the alliance with other participants of that market.
Подробное оглавление
1. Concept description and segmentation of the Russian mobile content market
1.1. Determination of mobile content and content-services
1.2. Segmentation of the mobile content market in GSM networks.
1.2.1. Description of the approach to the segmentation of the mobile content market
1.2.2. Services of handset personification
1.2.3. Information and entertainment services
1.2.4. Games
1.2.5. Media- projects
1.2.6. Communicative services
1.2.7. LBS-technologies based services
1.2.8. Special user’s applications
1.2.9. Business-services
1.3. Estimation of the Russian mobile content volume
1.4. Participants of mobile content market
1.4.1. Determination of market participants and interconnections between them
1.4.2. Leaders of the Russian mobile content market
2. Determination and estimation of objective and subjective factors, which influence on the state and trends of development of mobile content market in Russia
2.1. Objective factors
2.2. Subjective factors
3. Analysis of problematic issues of development of the mobile content market in GSM networks
4. Analysis of offers of Russian developers (vendors) of mobile content
4.1. General review of activity of Russian developers of mobile content
4.2. Activity of leading Russian mobile content developers
4.2.1. Inform-Mobile
4.2.2. Nikita mobile
4.2.3. PlayFon
4.2.4. Sibius
4.2.5. i- Free
5. Analysis of solutions from working content-providers (including cellular operators)
5.1. Voice content-services
5.2. SMS-games and Java-games
5.3. Content "for adults"
5.4. Interactive SMS-services
5.4.1. Media-integrated services
5.4.2. SMS-service Jamango
5.5. Mobile marketing
6. Analysis of experience and proposals of leading Russian operators of SPS in the development of mobile content market and introduction of new business-models of activity
6.1. Analysis of integration of SPS networks operators of new technological solutions, promoting to development of mobile content market.
6.1.1. Analysis of evolutionary development of Russian GSM networks on the basis of 2.5G data communication technology
6.1.2. Introduction of “i-mode” technology in Russia
6.2. Analysis of activity of Russian GSM networks operators aimed for development of mobile content market
6.3 Review of leading Russian GSM operators’ technology of cooperation with content providers.
6.3.1. Comparative analysis of leading Russian GSM operators’ content strategy
6.3.2. “Beepartner project” of the "VympelCom" company
6.4. Activity models, proposed by new participants of the mobile content market.
6.4.1. Entry of the representatives of the content-services market for the Internet- users mobile content market
6.4.2. The partner program b2m (Business to Mobile) of the PlayFon company
6.4.3. The Business-model of the aggregator-company
6.4.4. Activity of the leading Russian dealers of cellular communication on the mobile content market
7. The evaluation of consumers’ demand for particular kinds of cellular content
7.1. Cellular games
7.1.1. SMS-games
7.1.2. Mobile Java-games
7.2. Content-services for adults
7.3. Mobile marketing
7.4. "Ring Back Tone" (RBT) service
8. The estimation of the general tendencies of the mobile content market development in Russia.
8.1. Market growth
8.2. Market consolidation
8.3. Promising mobile content
8.4. Regional market share growth
8.5. Activity of noncommercial unions (associations)
Перечень приложений:
Tables: 5
Pictures (graphics and schemes): 10
List of pictures:
Picture 1.1. Estimation of share of value added services’ income in general income of cellular operators.
Picture 1.2. Estimation of the share of content services’ income in general income of VAS.
Picture 1.3. Forecast of shared distribution of mobile content market by segments by the end of 2005 (according to RBK’s data).
Picture 1.4. Structure of income of Russian operators from content services in the end of 2004 (according to CNews).
Picture 1.5. Scheme of interaction between mobile content market participants.
Picture 1.6. Scheme of interaction of the Russian market of secondary copyright on ringtones.
Picture 1.7. Scheme of interaction of the Russian market of secondary copyright on realtones.
Picture.8.1. Dynamics of introducing GPRS network in Russia (from 2003 to30.06.2005)
Picture 8.2. Evaluation of coverage of Russian regions by networks of GSM standards
(as of 01.07.2005)
Picture 8.3. Evaluation of coverage of Russian regions by commercial GPRS networks.
(as of 01.07.2005)
List of tables:
Table 4.1. Problems of development of the Russian mobile content market.
Table.8.1. Dynamics of introducing GPRS network in Russia
Table.8.2.Dynamics of introducing EDGE networks in Russia
Table 8.3. Results of the comparative analysis of the programs of the leading Russian GSM operators on the content-providers support.
Table 8.4. Characteristic of content-strategies of the leading Russian GSM operators.
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Current development of the most significant segment of the Russian cellular mobile communication market – the GSM standard – is connected with the wide construction of 2.5G generation networks on the basis of GPRS and EDGE data transfer technologies and with the penetration of various additional services (voice and non-voice) for GSM/GPRS/EDGE... Читать дальше
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Преимущества Торговой площадки готовых маркетинговых исследований рынка, маркетинговых обзоров и обзоров рынка
Проведение полномасштабного маркетинга, маркетингового исследования рынка или маркетингового анализа требует значительных временных и финансовых затрат, использование труда высококвалифицированных аналитиков, маркетологов, консалтинговых компаний или маркетинговых агентств.
Данная Торговая площадка поможет купить Вам уже готовую аналитику, исследование или обзор с минимальными потерями времени и средств. Представленная здесь статистическая и маркетинговая информация, маркетинговые обзоры и исследования охватывают все направления промышленности и бизнеса. Маркетинговые отчеты, выполненные ведущими российскими и зарубежными аналитиками, содержат в себе основные компоненты исследования рынков: мониторинги и обзоры СМИ, глубинный анализ рынка, анализ конкурентной среды, мониторинг цен и продукции, анализ потенциала рынка, анализ тенденций развития рынка, социологические исследования, SWOT (свот) - анализ. В результате, Вы получаете актуальную оперативную информацию, такую, например, как отраслевой рынок, рынок недвижимости, в целом, так и по его отдельным сегментам. Вид аналитики, описывающей конкурентов: анализ рынка, объем производства и продаж, объем рынка, динамика рынка, емкость рынка, сегментарные доли рынка, прогнозируемое развитие рынка.
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