Анализ рынка. Маркетинговые исследования, обзоры рынка. Аналитика. Консалтинг.
Маркетинговые исследования - Рынки продуктов питания, напитков - Россия
Готовые маркетинговые исследования рынков, социологические исследования, базы данных, аналитика и обзоры рынка, инвестиционные меморандумы, маркетинговые обзоры, другие аналитические отчеты. Исследования включают: маркетинговый анализ объемов рынка, емкость, доли и сегменты рынка, SWOT (свот) - анализ и конкуренцию. Наиболее полная и постоянно обновляемая готовая аналитика лучших маркетинговых агентств.
Приглашаем к сотрудничеству бизнес аналитиков, исследовательские и маркетинговые группы специалистов, консалтинговые компании и агентства для таких работ, как анализ рынка, консалтинг, обзор рынка, проведение исследований, маркетинг и продажа готовой аналитики.
Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning.
The research period is 2005-2009.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning are considered over near-term outlook.
Information sources:
1. Statistical key figures of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), estimations of Federal Agency for Fishery of the Russian Federation, data of Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
Review content:
The marketing review “The Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning: state trends and development prospects” is structured into five sections according to contents.
Notably for convenience of reading whole research and analysis results of the given market in the aggregate are shown in an introductory part (Market brief portrait/profile/) of the report.
The given form of representation allows expert to receive at once answers to key questions, and in content of subsequent chapters - more detailed market profile information that, as a result of use of marketing methods of gathering and data analysis, allowed formulating the figures resulted in brief, also facts, arguments and conclusions by Agency experts.
The first section is devoted to description of general market characteristic (fish and seafood catch, manufacture of fish consumable product, canned fish, fish and seafood preserves), in particular: current situation; trends; manufacture and sale volumes of fish and seafood products; general directions of preference, suggestion and demand; segmentation and average price factors; influence of crisis processes in Russia, existing dangers and problems, and also state influence to the market. The analysis of market state (fish and seafood catch, manufacture of fish consumable product, canned fish, fish and seafood preserves) allowed defining the sizes of market in kind and value terms.
In more details business processes of the fish and seafood market (fish and seafood catch, manufacture of fish consumable product, canned fish, fish and seafood preserves detailed on product segments) reveal is revealed in the subsequent sub items of the first and second chapter, viz: manufacture figures in fisheries sector, market participants, price policy, features of development, consumption and demand; processes concerning of products sale in Russia and regions, and their counterparts.
While revealing of leading market participants their key financial estimated figures are presented in the review that allows understanding somewhat efficiency and productivity of their financial and economic activity. Also the report contains estimations and opinions of market participants on occurring business processes.
Foreign trade turnover characteristic, counterparts, kinds of delivered products and their volumes in value and kind terms are presented in the third section.
Besides general prospects of the further market development and its segments are considered; forecasts in kind and value terms on basic, optimistic and pessimistic variants of development on such segments as price, manufacture, capacity, import and export are presented as well. Such aspects are included in the fourth chapter of the report.
Brief information on leading players of the market is presented in the fifth chapter. Moreover, using of own companies database accessible in on-line allowed to introduce in more details business (commercial) information on number of leading market participants, as legal persons having added it with Balance (form №1), Incomes & Expenses Statement (form №2), and also key estimated figures of financial and economic activity of firm for last five years. On number of leading participants of foreign trade turnover besides contact information the data on their foreign trade activities is presented as well, concerning kinds of received (delivered) products, their kind and value terms volumes detailed on countries, custom commodity group codes, and their shares.
Подробное оглавление
Market brief: portrait /profile/ market 3
1. General characteristic of the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning 7
Current situation of the Russian market 7
Size of the Russian market 16
Classification of fish and sea-food processing technology 20
Classification of product assortment 23
Product segmentation in the fishery sector 23
Associations and alliances of fish and seafood
manufacturers 41
Crisis influence, existing problems, state policy 44
2. Features of the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning 55
Production figures in the fishery sector (catch, processing, canning) 55
Leading manufacturers 79
Price aspect 84
Products sale 95
Regional aspect 104
Estimations and opinions of the fish market participants 117
3. Foreign trade turnover structure of the fish market 123
General description of foreign trade turnover of fish production (commodity group codes 0301-0305) 123
Fish production import (commodity group codes 0301-0305) to Russia in 2009(11) year 129
Fish production export (commodity group codes 0301-0305) from Russia in 2009(11) year 133
4. Branch development trends in the fish market 138
General trends in the market 138
Forecast of market development (detailed by price, production volumes, capacity, import and export) for period 2010-2012. 141
5. Leading players of fish branch and their summary characteristic 155
Leading manufacturers of the fishery sector 156
Wholesale trade leaders of the fishery sector 187
Retail trade leaders of the fishery sector 189
Basic operators of foreign trade turnover of the fishery sector 194
1.1. Number of large and average enterprises in the group «Fishing and fish breeding» as of November 1, 2005-2009, items
1.2. Number of large and average enterprises in the group «Fishing and fish breeding» detailed on Federal Districts as of November 1, 2005-2009, items
1.3. General volumes of fish and seafood catch in Russia, 2005-2009, in kind, thousand tons.
1.4. General consumable production volumes of fish except canned fish in Russia, 2005-2009 in kind, thousand tons
1.5. General production volumes of canned fish, including canned seafood, in Russia, 2005-2009, in kind, thousand standard cans.
1.6. Capacity of the Russian fish and seafood market, 2005 – 2009, in kind, million tons.
1.7. Capacity of the Russian fish and seafood market, 2005
– 2009, in value, bln. rub.
2.1. Fish and seafood catch volumes in Russia during 2009 in kind by month, thousand tons.
2.2. Fish and seafood catch volumes in Russia, 2005-2008, detailed on types of water environment and economies, thousand tons.
2.3. Fish and seafood catch volumes detailed on species of fish and seafood in Russia, 2005-2008, tons.
2.4. Production volumes of fish consumable product except cans in Russia in 2009 by month, detailed on segments, thousand tons.
2.5. Production volumes of fish consumable product except cans in Russia, 2005-2008, detailed on segments, tons.
2.6. Canned fish production volumes, including canned seafood in Russia in 2009 by month, million standard cans.
2.7. Canned fish production volumes, including canned seafood in Russia, 2005-2008, detailed on product segments, thousand standard cans.
2.8. Fish and seafood catch volumes in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.9. Production volumes of fish consumable product, including canned fish, in Russia, 2005-2009 (11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, kind in, thousand tons.
2.10. Live fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.11. Cooled fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.12. Frozen fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.13. Special cutting fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.14. Production volumes of frozen fish fillet (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.15. Salted fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.16. Smoked fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.17. Spiced-salted and marinated fish production volumes (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.18. Herring production volumes of different processing kinds in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.19. Dried fish production volumes in Russia, 2005-2009(11) made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.20. Production volumes of caviar in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.21. Production volumes of food sea products in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand tons.
2.22. Shares of fish consumable production volumes detailed segments (except canned fish) in Russia in 2005, 2008, 2009(forecast), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, %
2.23. Production volumes of canned and preserved fish, seafood in Russia, 2005-2009(11), made by organizations unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, thousand standard cans.
2.24. The largest fish processors in Russia (Top-20) detailed on annual turnover, rub.
2.25. Key financial figures of leading fish processors in Russia
2.26. Average prices of manufacturers for some kinds of fish production in Russia in 2009, by month, rub / unit of measure.
2.27. Average prices of manufacturers for some kinds of fish production in Russia, 2005-2008, as at the end of the year, rub/ unit of measure.
2.28. Average prices of manufacturers for some kinds of fish production in Russia in November, 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, rub/ unit of measure.
2.29. Average prices of manufacturers for some kinds of fish production in Russia, 2005-2009, in November, detailed on Federal Districts, rub/ unit of measure.
2.30. Price indexes of manufacturers for some kinds of fish production in Russia, in November, 2005-2009, detailed on Federal Districts, %
2.31. Average consumer prices for some kinds of fish production in Russia in 2009 by month, rub/ unit of measure.
2.32. Average consumer prices for some kinds of fish production in Russia, 2005-2008, as at the end of the year, rub/ unit of measure.
2.33. Average consumer prices for some kinds of fish production in Russia, in November, 2009 detailed on Federal Districts, rub/ unit of measure.
2.34. Average consumer prices for some kinds of fish production in Russia, in November, 2005-2009, detailed on Federal Districts, rub/ unit of measure.
2.35. Average consumer price indexes for some kinds of fish production in Russia, in November, 2005-2009, detailed on Federal Districts, % by previous month.
2.36. Sales volume of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), in kind, tons.
2.37. Sales volume of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), in kind, thousand standard cans.
2.38. Fish consumable product storage (except canned fish) of large and middle wholesale organization in Russia in kind in 2005-2009(11), thousand tons.
2.39. Stock size of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), in kind, million standard cans.
2.40. The largest wholesale fish trade leaders in Russia (Top-10) detailed on annual turnover, rub.
2.41. Key financial figures of wholesale fish trade leaders in Russia
2.42. The largest retail fish trade leaders in Russia (Top-10) detailed on annual turnover, rub.
2.44. Trends of fish and seafood catch in Russia, 2005-2009(11), detailed on Federal Districts, thousand tons.
2.45. Manufacture trends of fish consumable products, including canned fish in Russia, 2005-2009(11), detailed on Federal Districts, thousand tons.
2.46. Manufacture trends of canned and preserved fish and seafood in 2005-2009(11), detailed on RF Regions, million standard cans.
2.47. Sales volumes of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, tons.
2.48. Sales volumes of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, in kind, 2005-2009.
2.49. Stock size of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, tons.
2.50. Stock size of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009(11), detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, thousand standard cans.
2.51. Consumption of fish and fish production in Regions of RF in 2009, per person in kilogram
3.1. Foreign trade turnover volumes of fish in 2006-2009(11).
3.2. Characteristic of commodity group codes "fish".
3.3. Volumes of fish import and export deliveries in 2009(11), detailed on commodity group codes.
3.4. Delivery volume of fish products to Russia in 2009(11) detailed on countries consignors.
3.5. Import volumes of fish to Russia in 2009 (11), detailed on consignors, goods kinds and manufacturers (Top-10, in value terms, commodity group codes - 0301-0305).
3.6. Import volume of fish products to Russia in 2009(11), detailed on countries consignees (Top-10).
3.7. Delivery volumes of fish products from Russia in 2009(11), detailed on countries consignees.
3.8. Export volume of fish from Russia in 2009(11), detailed on consignors, goods kinds (Top-10, in value terms, commodity group codes – 0301-0307).
4.1. Figures number and target codes of Federal Target Program «Improving efficiency of using and development of resource potential of fishery sector in 2009 - 2013»
4.2. Financial volume of the measures of Federal Target Program «Improving efficiency of using and development of resource potential of fishery sector in 2009 - 2013» detailed on sources of funds and types of expenses, million rub, at values of correspond years
4.3. Basic manufacture forecast in kind, 2010-2012, items.
4.4. Optimistic manufacture forecast in kind, 2010-2012, items. 4.5. Pessimistic manufacture forecast in kind, 2010-2012, items. 4.6. Basic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in kind, 2010-2012, million tons.
4.7. Basic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in 2010-2012 годах, in value terms, billion rub.
4.8. Optimistic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in 2010-2012, in kind, million tons.
4.9. Optimistic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in 2010-2012 годах, in value terms, billion rub.
4.10. Pessimistic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in 2010-2012, in kind, million tons.
4.11. Pessimistic capacity forecast of the Russian fish market in 2010-2012 годах, in value terms, billion rub.
4.12. Basic import deliveries forecast of fish products to Russia in 2009-2012, in kind, thousand tons.
4.13. Basic import deliveries forecast of fish products to Russia in 2010-2012, in value terms, $ thousand.
4.14. Pessimistic import deliveries forecast of fish products to Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons.
4.15. Pessimistic import deliveries forecast of fish products to Russia in 2010-2012, in value terms, $ thousand.
4.16. Basic export deliveries forecast of fish products from Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons.
4.17. Basic export deliveries forecast of fish products from Russia in 2010-2012, in value terms, $ thousand.
4.18. Optimistic export deliveries forecast of fish products from Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons.
4.19. Optimistic export deliveries forecast of fish products from Russia in 2010-2012, in value terms, $ thousand.
5.1. Business inquiry on company «ZAO Russkoe More».
5.2. Balance of « ZAO Russkoe More » for 2008, Rub.
5.3. Basic balances figures of «ZAO Russkoe More», 2006-2008 in comparative form, rub.
5.4. Incomes and Expenses Statements of «ZAO Russkoe More» in 2008, rub.
5.5. Estimated financial and economic activity figures of «ZAO Russkoe More», 2004-2008.
5.6. Business inquiry on company OAO «Ryboobrabatyvayushchii kombinat № 1».
5.7. Balance of OAO «Ryboobrabatyvayushchii kombinat № 1» for 2008, rub.
5.8. Basic balances figures of OAO «Ryboobrabatyvayushchii kombinat № 1» in 2006-2008 in comparative form, rub.
5.9. Incomes and Expenses Statements of company OAO «Ryboobrabatyvayushchii kombinat № 1» in 2008, rub.
5.10. Estimated financial and economic activity figures of OAO «Ryboobrabatyvayushchii kombinat № 1» in 2004-2008.
5.11. Business inquiry on company OOO «Vichyunai Rus».
5.12. Balance of OOO «Vichyunai Rus» in 2008,rub.
5.13. Basic balances figures of OOO «Vichyunai Rus», 2006-2008, in comparative form, rub.
5.14. Incomes and Expenses Statements of company OOO «Vichyunai Rus» in 2007-2008, rub.
5.15. Estimated financial and economic activity figures of company OOO «Vichyunai Rus» in 2004-2008.
5.16. Business inquiry on company OAO «Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskoe predpriyatie Meridian».
5.17. Balance of OAO «Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskoe predpriyatie Meridian» in 2008, rub.
5.18. Basic balances figures of OAO «Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskoe predpriyatie Meridian» in 2006-2008 in comparative form, rub.
5.19. Incomes and Expenses Statements of company OAO «Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskoe predpriyatie Meridian» in 2007-2008, rub.
5.20. Estimated financial and economic activity figures of company OAO «Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskoe predpriyatie Meridian» in 2004-2008.
5.21. Business inquiry on company ZAO «Kompaniya Ova».
5.22. Balance of ZAO «Kompaniya Ova» in 2008, rub.
5.23. Basic balances figures of ZAO «Kompaniya Ova» in 2006-2008, in comparative form, rub.
5.24. Incomes and Expenses Statements of company ZAO «Kompaniya Ova» in в 2007-2008, rub.
5.25. Estimated financial and economic activity figures of company ZAO «Kompaniya Ova» in 2004-2008.
5.26. Share of consignors countries for ZAO "Russkaya rybnaya kompaniya" (TOP-10) in 2008г., in value terms, %
5.27. Products and its share in volume of import deliveries of ZAO "Russkaya rybnaya kompaniya" (TOP-10), in 2008, in value terms, %
5.28. Share of consignors countries for OOO "Akra" in 2008, in value terms, %
5.29. Products and its share in volume of import deliveries of OOO "Akra", % (in value terms in 2008).
5.30. Share of consignors countries for ZAO «Rybnaya kompaniya Atlant-Pasifik» in 2008, in value terms, %
5.31. Products and its share in volume of import deliveries of company ZAO «Rybnaya kompaniya Atlant-Pasifik», % (in value terms in 2008).
5.32. Share of consignors countries for company OOO "Sebastes" in 2008, in value terms, %
5.33. Products and its share in volume of import deliveries of company OOO "Sebastes", % (in value terms in 2008).
5.34. Share of consignors countries for company OOO "Profibiznes" in 2008, in value terms, %
5.35. Products and its share in volume of import deliveries of company OOO "Profibiznes", % (in value terms in 2008).
5.36. Share of consignees countries of OAO «Okeanrybflot» products in 2008, in value terms, %
5.37. Products and its share in volume of export deliveries of company OAO «Okeanrybflot», % (in value terms in 2008).
5.38. Share of consignees countries of ZAO "Gidrostroi” products in 2008, in value terms, %
5.39. Products and its share in volume of export deliveries of company ZAO «Gidrostroi», % (in value terms in 2008).
5.40. Share of consignees countries of OAO «Nakhodkinskaya baza aktivnogo morskogo rybolovstva» products in 2008, in value terms, %
5.41. Products and its share in volume of export deliveries of company OAO «Nakhodkinskaya baza aktivnogo morskogo rybolovstva», % (in value terms in 2008).
5.42. Share of consignees countries of OAO «Nakhodkinskaya baza aktivnogo morskogo rybolovstva» products, in 2008, in value terms, %
5.43. Products and its share in volume of export deliveries of company ZAO «Rybolovetskoe predpriyatie Akros» in 2008, % (in value terms in 2008).
5.44 Share of consignees countries of OAO «Kholdingovaya kompaniya Dalmoreprodukt» products in 2008, in value terms, %
5.45. Products and its share in volume of export deliveries of company OAO «Kholdingovaya kompaniya Dalmoreprodukt», % (in value terms in 2008)
1.1. Distribution of catch volumes of basic fish species and seafood detailed on basins, %
1.2. Share structure of fish and seafood catch detailed on fishery zones, %
1.3. Share structure of fish and seafood catch detailed on freshwater bodies, %
1.4. Share structure of fish species, sea animals and seafood catch, %
1.5. Share manufacture structure of fish consumable product (except canned fish), %
1.6. Share manufacture structure of canned fish including canned seafood, %
1.7. Sale turnover of organizations detailed on business activity «fishery and fish breeding» in 2009, at real values.
1.8. Key figures of development of the economy in whole and fishery sector during the first half-year period of 2009.
1.9. Catch volumes trends of fish and seafood in Russia, 2005-2009, in kind, %
1.10. Manufacture trends of fish consumable products (except canned fish) in Russia, 2005-2009, in kind, %
1.11. Canned fish manufacture trends, including canned seafood in Russia, 2005-2009, in kind, %
1.12. Capacity trends of the Russian fish market, 2005 – 2009, in kind, %
1.13. Capacity trends of the Russian fish market, 2005 – 2009, in value terms, %
2.1. Share catch structure of different fish species, %
2.2. Share catch structure of seafood and sea animal, %
2.3. Share structure of seafood, %
2.4. Share structure of shell fishing, %
2.5. Catch volumes trends of fish and seafood in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind
2.6. Manufacture volumes trends of fish consumable products in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated with small business enterprises, in kind
2.7. Live fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind
2.8. Cooled fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind
2.9. Frozen fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind
2.10. Special-dressed fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.11. Frozen fish fillet manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.12. Salted fish manufacture volumes trends of (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.13. Smoked fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.14. Spiced-salted and marinated fish manufacture volumes trends (except herring) in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.15. Herring manufacture volumes trends of whole processing kinds in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.16. Dried fish manufacture volumes trends in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.17. Caviar manufacture volumes trends in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.18. Food sea products volumes trends in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.19. Manufacture and consumer shares of fish consumable products (except canned fish) in Russia in 2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind, %
2.20. Manufacture volumes trends of canned and preserved fish, seafood in Russia, 2005-2009, made by organization unrelated to small business enterprises, in kind.
2.21. Shares of large fish processing enterprises on the fish market, %
2.22. Shares of large fish processing enterprises on the manufacture market of fish consumable product, %
2.23. Shares of leading companies in herring segment, %
2.24. Shares of leading companies in delicatessen fish segment, %
2.25. Shares of leading companies in salmon caviar segment, %
2.26. Average price trends of live fish manufacturers in Russia in 2009 by month, % by previous month
2.27. Unit value indexes of manufactures for some kinds of fish products in Russia, in November, 2005-2009, % by previous month
2.28. Average consumer price trends of live fish in Russia in 2009 by month, %
2.29. Average consumer prices indexes for some kinds of fish products in Russia, in November, 2005-2009, % by previous month.
2.30 Sale volumes trends of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia, 2005-2009, at current value.
2.31. Sale volumes trends of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia, 2005-2009, at current value
2.32. Stock trends of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009.
2.33. Stock trends of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale organizations in Russia, 2005-2009.
2.34. Share catch structure of fish and seafood in Russia in 2009 detailed on Federal District, %
2.35. Share manufacture structure of fish consumable product, including canned fish, in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, %
2.36. Share manufacture structure of canned and reserved fish, seafood in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, %
2.37. Share structure of sales volumes of fish consumable products by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, %
2.38. Share structure of canned and reserved fish sales volumes by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, %
2.39. Share stock structure of fish consumable product (except canned fish) by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, %
2.40. Share stock structure of canned and preserved fish by large and average wholesale enterprises in Russia in 2009, detailed on Federal Districts, in kind, %
3.1. Foreign trade turnover trends of fish in Russia in kind in 2006-2009(11), %
3.2. Foreign trade turnover trends of fish in Russia in value terms in 2006-2009(11), %
3.3. Ratio of import and export of fish import and export in Russia in kind 2006-2009(11), %
3.4. Ratio of import and export of fish import and export in Russia in value in 2006-2009(11)г, %
3.5. Consignors countries geography of fish product to Russia in kind in 2009(11) (TOP 10), %
3.6. Consignors countries geography of fish product to Russia in value in 2009(11) (TOP 10), %
3.7. Consignors countries geography of fish product from Russia in kind in 2009(11)
3.8. Consignors countries geography of fish product from Russia in 2009(11), in value.
4.1. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of fish production volumes in 2009-2012, in kind, thousand tons
4.2. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of fish market capacity in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons
4.3. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of fish market capacity in 2010-2012, in value, billion rub.
4.4. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import fish deliveries to Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons
4.5. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import fish deliveries to Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, $ thousand
4.6. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export fish deliveries from Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, thousand tons
4.7. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export fish deliveries from Russia in 2010-2012, in kind, $ thousand
5.1. Geography of products consignors (Top-5) for ZAO "Russkaya rybnaya kompaniya" in 2008.
5.2. Geography of products consignors for OOO "Akra" in 2008.
5.3. Geography of products consignors for company ZAO «Rybnaya kompaniya Atlant-Pasifik» in 2008.
5.4. Geography of products consignors for OOO " Sebastes " in 2008.
5.5. Geography of products consignors for OOO «Profibiznes «in 2008.
5.6. Geography of products consignors of company OAO «Okeanrybflot» in 2008.
5.7. Geography of products consignors of company ZAO " Gidrostroi" in 2008.
5.8. Geography of products consignors of company OAO «Nakhodkinskaya baza aktivnogo morskogo rybolovstva» in 2008.
5.9. Geography of products consignors of company ZAO "Rybolovetskoe predpriyatie Akros» in 2008.
5.10. Geography of products consignors of company География стран-получателей продукции компании OAO "Kholdingovaya kompaniya Dalmoreprodukt" in 2008.
1. Example of brief supplemental company information
Пример краткой справочной информации на компанию
2. Analysis of estimated figures of financial and economic company activity
3. Analysis of foreign trade company activities
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Main research objectives are: 1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning. The research period is 2005-2009. 2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian market of fish and sea food processing and canning, expediency... Читать дальше
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Обращаем Ваше внимание, что все представленные на нашей площадке отчеты, как правило, содержат в себя: статистическую информацию, анализ объемных и емкостных показателей, долевое деление рынка, сегментацию рынка, конкуренцию и конъюнктуру, маркетинговый план и стратегию продвижения, мониторинг источников информации. Большинство отчетов постоянно обновляются. Поэтому, точное представление о содержательной части работы, всегда можно получить из подробного описания интересующей Вас аналитики.
Всегда рады сотрудничеству и партнерству с профессиональными исследовательскими и маркетинговыми коллективам, сложившимися группами квалифицированных специалистов, маркетинговыми агентствами, консалтинговыми компаниями, отдельными аналитиками и бизнес аналитиками, имеющими опыт работы в таких направлениях, как: бизнес планирование, маркетинговый анализ, составление обзоров рынка, проведение других исследовательских и аналитических работ, а также продаже уже готовых обзоров и инициативных исследований.
Преимущества Торговой площадки готовых маркетинговых исследований рынка, маркетинговых обзоров и обзоров рынка
Проведение полномасштабного маркетинга, маркетингового исследования рынка или маркетингового анализа требует значительных временных и финансовых затрат, использование труда высококвалифицированных аналитиков, маркетологов, консалтинговых компаний или маркетинговых агентств.
Данная Торговая площадка поможет купить Вам уже готовую аналитику, исследование или обзор с минимальными потерями времени и средств. Представленная здесь статистическая и маркетинговая информация, маркетинговые обзоры и исследования охватывают все направления промышленности и бизнеса. Маркетинговые отчеты, выполненные ведущими российскими и зарубежными аналитиками, содержат в себе основные компоненты исследования рынков: мониторинги и обзоры СМИ, глубинный анализ рынка, анализ конкурентной среды, мониторинг цен и продукции, анализ потенциала рынка, анализ тенденций развития рынка, социологические исследования, SWOT (свот) - анализ. В результате, Вы получаете актуальную оперативную информацию, такую, например, как отраслевой рынок, рынок недвижимости, в целом, так и по его отдельным сегментам. Вид аналитики, описывающей конкурентов: анализ рынка, объем производства и продаж, объем рынка, динамика рынка, емкость рынка, сегментарные доли рынка, прогнозируемое развитие рынка.
Вы имеете возможность:
Не тратить значительных средств на содержание большого числа штатных маркетологов и аналитиков;
Выбирать, приобретать и получать результаты работ сотни профессиональных маркетинговых и консалтинговых компаний и агентств в одном месте;
Использовать маркетинговую информацию в своем бизнесе в тот же, или на следующий день после оплаты;
В случае: отсутствия необходимых маркетинговых обзоров рынка или исследований, наличия особых персональных требований к маркетинговому анализу или необходимости актуализации необходимой Вам аналитики, Вы сможете оперативно заказать и получить отчет на базе уже представленных работ или заключить Договор на проведение заказного маркетингового исследования или анализа.
Купить маркетинговое исследование, обзор или маркетинговый анализ Вы сможете именно тогда, когда Вам это необходимо, получив при этом самую актуальную информацию.