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Название отчетаForeign trade turnover of proppants (propant) in Russia for period of 2008 
Код исследования3630 
Тип работыМаркетинговое исследование
Дата выхода отчета24.04.2009 
Количество страниц8 
Язык отчетаРусский 
Стоимость10000 Российский рубль 
Краткое описание отчетаMain research objectives are:
1. Analysis of foreign trade turnover of proppants in Russia.
2. Identification of participants countries of foreign trade turnover, consignees, consignors of proppants, deliveries volumes in kind and cost value.
Research period is 2008
Information sources:
1. Data of Russian Federal Customs Service.
Outlook content:
The information of foreign trade proppants turnover in Russia during 2008 is grouped into two basic sections: the first section contains the analysis of export and import deliveries of proppants declared in TN foreign trade activities code (TN VED) – 6914909000, the second one includes foreign trade turnover of proppants declared in other codes. In particular:
- in code - 2818109000 - import,
- 6909190009 – export,
- 6914901000 – export.
In each section the received result is structured in a certain kind with using of tables and diagrams that allows understanding participants of foreign trade turnover of proppants (countries, exporters, and importers); specificity of delivered products; deliveries volumes in kind and cost value as a whole, detailed on countries, products types, consignors and consignees. 
Полное описание отчетаContents:
Analysis of foreign trade proppants turnover (TN VED code – 6914909000) 2
Analysis of foreign trade proppants turnover (other codes of TN VED) 7 
Подробное оглавлениеTables:
1.1. General data of foreign trade proppants turnover in Russia during 2007-2008
1.2. Proppants deliveries volumes from Russia during 2008 detailed on consignees countries
1.3. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008 detailed on consignors and goods
1.4. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008 detailed on consignors and consignees
1.5. Proppants deliveries volumes to Russia during 2008 detailed on consignors countries
1.6. Import volumes of proppants to Russia during 2008 detailed on consignees and goods
1.7. Import volumes of proppants to Russia during 2008 detailed on consignees and consignors
1.8. Import volumes of propinit to Russia during 2008
detailed on consignees and goods
(code - 2818109000)
1.9. Import volumes of proppants to Russia during 2008
detailed on consignees and consignors
(code - 2818109000)
1.10. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008
detailed on consignors and goods
(code - 6909190009)
1.11. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008
detailed on consignors and consignee
(code - 6909190009)
1.12. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008
detailed on consignors and goods
(code - 6914901000)
1.13. Export volumes of proppants from Russia during 2008
detailed on consignors and consignees
(code - 6914901000)
1.1. Consignees countries geography of proppants from Russia during 2008 in kind
1.2. Consignors countries geography of proppants to Russia during 2008 in kind 
Способ предоставленияЭлектронный вид 

Постоянный адрес материала - Foreign trade turnover of proppants (propant) in Russia for period of 2008

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